Welcome to my world . . .Northern Exposure
I'm a philosophical writer, a thinker, it's not just who I am, it's what I do. Technically I'm a muse and that's so hard to explain to people I usually don't.
The PhD behind my name is in Philosophy, Metaphysics. When you embark on a study of the "unknown", even the unknowable, when you're given time for serious contemplation of "The All", it is remarkable and so I have remarked, a lot, a whole lot . . . laughing. Laughing is what I do best. Don't expect to see a Curriculum Vitae for me here, I have no desire to write it, or even to contemplate it, just know that I've played a lot of roles in the guise of the muse I am. Do you see what I see?Cardinal Rule
The Messenger Stone Collection
Boulder Opals are my favorite stones. They speak to me, I consider them Art. I've posted some pictures from my collection in an effort to find out "Do you see what I see?" Just click the Boulder Opals link to add to the Blog and let me know what you think. AND please feel free to enjoy: My favorite quote:Hummingbird
"When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on ~ or you will be taught how to fly." Patrick Overton
P.S. I learned how to fly and I took that picture ;-). © 2013 by Janet DeLong, PhD
THINK is now available:Janet's newest book, THINK, is available now. THINK is four years of her random thoughts recorded in a diary format. All of Janet's books are listed on the Books page.
Click to read the Forward for THINK . . . and Thunder RolledSpirograph Nebula
. . . and Thunder Rolled is a series of 5 lectures I gave in the 1990's. You'll find the text in the Article section of this site. I covered the basics, Creation, The Meaning of Life, Transformation, Meditation and Prayer, and Magic. I've had a few more thoughts since the '90's, you can read those too.
My Blog . . .From my Article Aspergers and Me explaining more than I like to admit:
". . . if you can trust anything, you can trust this, I write because I have to write, literally, calling or compulsion, mission or force, it’s what I do." Why the "Q's & A's" click?I have agreed to answer questions, in a blog format, in the Q's & A's section of this site. Some people have asked me what happens if people don't have questions. I always laugh at that . . . never fear, I still have enough of my own questions to last me a good long while.