Should women have the right to abortion?
Short answer on abortion is yes. Souls are smart, they don't enter a body they know is not viable. I digress . . . you're referencing the debate about "abortion rights". While I think it must be the mother to make the ultimate decision, that debate can be rocketed forward easily by explaining to "fathers" just how much it costs financially to raise a child. We can establish a minimum debt to be paid for forcing "motherhood", and collect it just like taxes to make that so. Tell you what, we'd hear some screams of "labor pain" from fathers the likes of which would make mothers everywhere smile. Then we'd be deciding whether or not men had the right to forcibly make women abort their children because of the excessive cost to them. AH . . . light that one up folks . . . we'll see how many "right to lifers" there really are when it's 20 years of their "working" lives they are righting life to.
Short answer on abortion is yes. Souls are smart, they don't enter a body they know is not viable. I digress . . . you're referencing the debate about "abortion rights". While I think it must be the mother to make the ultimate decision, that debate can be rocketed forward easily by explaining to "fathers" just how much it costs financially to raise a child. We can establish a minimum debt to be paid for forcing "motherhood", and collect it just like taxes to make that so. Tell you what, we'd hear some screams of "labor pain" from fathers the likes of which would make mothers everywhere smile. Then we'd be deciding whether or not men had the right to forcibly make women abort their children because of the excessive cost to them. AH . . . light that one up folks . . . we'll see how many "right to lifers" there really are when it's 20 years of their "working" lives they are righting life to.