I don't think I'm crazy, anymore. I see things and energy other people don't see. For a long time I thought everybody saw what I was seeing. That was my logical conclusion and a very wrong one. They did not and do not. When people can't put themselves in your shoes, can't imagine what you can see real, they can't even begin to understand what it's like to see the way I see.
"Sometimes I think I'm crazy because I see things differently than everyone else."
I don't think I'm crazy, anymore. I see things and energy other people don't see. For a long time I thought everybody saw what I was seeing. That was my logical conclusion and a very wrong one. They did not and do not. When people can't put themselves in your shoes, can't imagine what you can see real, they can't even begin to understand what it's like to see the way I see.
"Conspiracy Theorist: Nothing more than a derogatory title used to dismiss a critical thinker." Straight up and from a card carrying member of the Tin Foil Hatter Club, that statement is absolutely true. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard, "Oh, you're one of those Conspiracy Theory people." I am not. I review the facts and decide for myself. FYI, there are Prospiracy Theorists too. I don't want to be one of them either. I am simply a Theorist. We are the "what if" people examining the facts to find the truth. "I am a daydreamer and a nightthinker." I am that, so I thought about why for a while. Daydreaming is a short-term detachment from one's immediate surroundings, during which a person's contact with reality is blurred. Reality is the conjectured state of things as they actually exist rather than as they may appear or might be imagined. Conjecture is an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. Yep, that's why. Daytime lets me prove my survival instinct, nighttime lets me figure out why. P.S. That's why I always laugh at the video with the bird who's havin' a game of "Nighttime, Daytime". When you cannot sleep at night, have you ever thought maybe it's God saying "We need to talk and you now have time." Have I ever thought . . . yes, why yes I have, even when I know God doesn't talk. I do communicate with some folks on the other side, have since I can remember. So . . . I sleep well most nights because I decided to make time. It's always now. Day 1: "I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their level of perception." Trying to explain myself became exhausting for me. I retired to a mountaintop to write my truth down, I'm still writin' it down. I'm seemingly impossible to for me to explain because I know . . . I really am a Muse. If you have to explain that you're a muse you aren't. |
About Janet:Janet DeLong, PhD, is a philosophical writer. She'd tell you that is by default, we know it's by design. While her perceptions are not always comfortable, they are always Categories
September 2015