There have been shining, electrifying, moments of my insight trying to understand all the implications of my Aspergers diagnosis. My ability to logically explain my “quirky” sense of humor, the unintentional literalness of my thought, my pictures, has been such a gift. Aspergers Humor was my favorite understanding.
I can now define my “AH” moments. Those are the times when my “Aspergers Humor” would have me “inappropriately” letting loose a laugh-grunt. It would be an understatement to say that I am quite the literal person. People’s choices of words continually flash picture thoughts through my mind. Sometimes the words I hear people speak, even in a “serious conversation, definitely do not match the pictures in my thoughts. Sometimes, honestly, it’s just funny. That little laugh-grunt sneaks right out.
Understanding my “Aspergers Humor”, my AH moments, has been a logically elegant grace, wee sparks of “forgiveness” for what I think and how I think it.
Understanding my “Aspergers Humor”, my AH moments, has been a logically elegant grace, wee sparks of “forgiveness” for what I think and how I think it.