My pettest peeve is the silverware drawer. OMG how hard is it to put silverware in its own slot in the drawer insert obviously designed to do just that? I can't tell you how many times I have had to rearrange that drawer because a dinner fork and a salad fork are not interchangeable any more than soup spoon and a teaspoon are. Finally . . . after many years of attempting to explain to all the misguided souls who believe a fork is a fork in any slot . . . I solved it for me. One day I took out the insert and just dumped the dishwasher basket. What I found to my surprise was, it's so much easier. In my effort to holler, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," from my own intellectual or organizational superiority, I found my own reality. When people remark about it, I tell them it saves so much time. If my dishwasher was clean, I'd demonstrate. Peace to the pieces . . .